What? Is this not the picture of happiness you'd expect from our new father?
But vomiting aside, Lake loves his little Jesse. He spends most of his free time doting on him, it's quite sweet actually...
Here's the culprit. Mouldy ol' Autumn Salad!
And Lucy carried on doing what she loves, sculpting, because at this point I had a grand total of 62 simoleons.
I have a feeling they'll be needing the money soon...
With the arrival of Jesse and the fact that he kept waking up his parentals, I extended the house and gave Lake and Lucy a bedroom of their very own.
Yay, preganancy! :D
That's a rather apathetic thumbs-up for such big news Lake!
And speaking of good news, it's time to see how Jesse turns out...
The most adorable (if a little crazy looking) toddler I have ever seen.
And it didn't take long for his musical tendencies to show themselves.
And Lake began teaching him life-skills and shizz.
Lucy's skills had increased and she began sculpting with ice.
Her sculpting was interrupted by the second addition to the family.
Say hello to Clay, whose traits are Brave and Loves The Outdoors!
That night, Lake and Lucy slept well, in preparation for the next day.
They're moving house.
Welcome to Chez Azure! I know it's not the best, but I designed it specifically with expansion in mind, so all's well and good.
That evening, the adults of the Azure family tried out the facilities of their new maison. That's right, Lucy can sculpt... Indoors! Shock horror!
Oh yeah... ;)
And then they tried out an altogether different facility. ;)
Lake love his kids, bless him. This picture is so sweet.
And now Jesse can walk, so he totters around the house all day, spreading his cuteness round like an infectious disease.
And he's never sweeter than when he's playing with his teddy bear.
Until he starts viciously pounding it's head of the floor. Poor Bear. :'(
I know, I missed the transition, and I'm going to hell, but here is Clay as a toddler.
Just in time for Lucy going in to labour. Again.
Even Lake's bored with his wife's pregnancies now, he'd much rather cook than witness the birth of his child.
And this is Sian, the first baby girl of the family.
Sian = Sharn
And with the newest bundle of joy stored away in a cot, Lucy spent some long-overdue time with her youngest son, Clay.
(I know what you're thinking, Clay looks a tad vampirey in this pic. It's the result of a misused mod, I'm working to fix him. Never fear.)
Which brings us to dear Lake's birthday. And Lucy couldn't be bothered to change out of her maternity clothes. Lazy bizatch.
And with his latest promotion, Lake now has the keys to an actual police car, which, I'll admit, impressed me no end.
With the money Lake and Lucy were pulling in, I indulged myself and built them some flashy fountains in the front garden. Luxuries, eh?
Don't strain, you can do yourself some serious harm!
Let's take one last look at Jesse's amazing toddlerly cuteness and hope he stays like it.
You guessed it! It's little Jesse's birthday! Wooooooo!
Not too shabby, eh?
And now, I leave you, with this image of the new Jesse enjoying cake with his mum.
What will the future hold for the Azures?
Only time (and this blog) will tell.
Good Job!Keep Going!
ReplyDeleteThankyou very much :)
ReplyDeleteAnd hopefully, I'll carry it right through to the end :)
what is jesse's skin?? i like it alot :)
ReplyDeleteHe used Moonlight faces by Kanno at MTS :)