The Azure Legacy is over, my data was lost and is unrecoverable.

I am however, starting a new legacy, so visit The Blake Family Legacy, for more legacy fun!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Chapter 7: All Grown Up

When last we left them, The Azures had found themselves in a bit of a situation...

You see, Ivy the blonde (if slightly feral) beauty had passed in a cooking related fire...

Before you get too upset, there's something I never told you...

Ivy has the Unlucky trait, which, of course, brought her straight back to a more... opaque form.

Permission to rejoice!

And I think this is Ivy's version of rejoicing, little geek.

And I think this is Sian's version of sisterly bonding... It's nice that she tore herself away from her eternal pursuit of action to spend some time with her sister.

And her near death experience, Ivy seemed to have a renewed zest for life. Why else would she flip on a trampoline in her undies?

Moving on to another joyous occasion. It's Sian's bithday!

Is it just me, or does River always look shocked?

*Sparkle Sparkle*

Wie schön!

But when she went to have birthday 'woohoo' with old flame Donnell, she found him flirting with some other bird.

THAT over this beauty. PAH!

Donnell made the right choice. Probably a good thing, as sims that mess with me tend to... 'disappear.'

One thing lead to another...

And then things got a bit too 50s marriage for my liking.

*Stride of Pride* This walk never fails to give me a chuckle.

A quick trip to the dresser remedied that issue. I think it's much more suitable.

Meanwhile, Ivy was being Ivy.

And River was being, well, River.

However, I let him off, because he had a reason to be screaming.

But Sian had the situation under control... Oh no, she was answering a party invite. *Facepalm.*

And to make matters worse, Lake chose a perfect moment to age up. Are you kidding me?


Serves him right, in my opinion. I have younger, pretty sims than you, I don't need you anymore!

Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!

Still a funny image though.


The next morning, I got a little notification saying that Clay had gotten married, so I sent Lucy to track the lucky lady.

Well, that's not a very nice face to pull at your mother-in-law, whether she stalked you or not.

But Lucy had bigger fish to fry. It's her turn to get old.

I've had worse.

Ivy, however, was not present for her mothers oldification, she was meeting her friend from school at the park.

Where she joined him in a game of chess. I do love her concentration face.

They hung out for a while on the swings like the delinquents that they are.

Ivy decided it was time to kick it up a notch, and turned her leopardy self to flirt mode.

Why can't anything go smoothly for me?

The next day was River's birthday. YAY!

Gorgeous! I would like to take this opportunity to say, "I LOVE RIVER!"

River and Sian both had wishes to go to a club, and because I'd just downloaded Helios. I decided to send them there.

I left bad leaving Ivy behind so she tagged along too.

As soon as she arrived there, Ivy hit the bar. I feared for the end of the evening.

But River had other things to worry about, he'd found himself a lovely lady to woo.

At this point my game went super-spazzy and I had to reset my entire neighbourhood. Sorry.

But it gave Lucy an opportunity to get our sculpture of River done. I love his nose, it's adorable, no?

I love it when she does that. Someone once slapped her for a bad sculpture. It cracked me right up.

But swiftly after, came Ivy's birthday, and with it, the dawn of a new era.

I apologize for my forgetting to take pictures of the transition.

But here she is, Ivy as an adult, stuffing her face with cake.

And that's all folks, but with the kids all being grown up, it's time for a vote!

Make sure you vote here.

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